Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I Miss Pizza Bagels

Ever since I left college, I've never found a place where they make pizza bagels like they did at Collegetown Bagels. I really miss them! They were so delicious.......

So I never mentioned this before but 3 months ago I had a stent put in (long painful story) and today it was taken out. I thought it would be replaced but apparently I don't need it anymore. Bye bye little stent! Considering the surgery was only 1 hour, we were at the hospital for 6 hours. Crazy huh?

Tomorrow I return for a blood transfusion. I needed it last Thursday but I rebelled and made the appointment for tomorrow instead. This is the problem, granted I know it's my health we're talking about here but I'm trying so hard to balance my health and work. I've already missed so many days of work because I get sick easily. Every month I call out for one thing or another. So the things that I can do on my days off, I do. Now, I had been feeling tired but my red blood count was just under the transfusion level so I figured I'd be ok for a few more days until my next day off (otherwise I would have had to call out again). Of course the nurses (who make a big deal out of everything) told me I might faint but of course I never did, I just felt super tired but it was manageable. Anyways, so tomorrow I'm getting another stranger's blood again and hopefully it's from some young nerdy college student who never drinks and is still a virgin so I'll be getting some pristine blood.

Well, today I'm taking my laptop to a repair shop to see if it can be fixed. Of course the 3 places I called lectured me about not bringing it in earlier. Again, should have known better. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon and it won't cost me more than the laptop did. Well, it won't cost my brother that is.

I feel like I missed out on summer. I was sick almost the whole time and then working too much to enjoy it. Well it was too hot outside anyways, and way too air conditioned indoors everywhere else. I couldn't win.

My favorite part of the summer ending soon? Fall fashion season!!! Yup, beautiful new boots have started hitting the stores. Ahhhhh, how wonderful!

1 comment:

Susan C said...

Hi Maria, I'm also a patient at the City of Hope and I think that I may have seen you there.

I also had a "lost summer" because of a terrible bout with pneumonia.

The season is fall, the temperature and the leaves are falling, but let's hope those blood counts of yours don't do any more falling.