Thursday, December 7, 2006

Nosy Teller Makes My Day

I'm pretty proud of myself at the moment. Yesterday I learned how to give myself a shot. I practiced on a fake arm for awhile before I did it myself. Why did it make me feel like I could be a nurse too? Like I could start working there tomorrow and give people shots all day. If anybody out there needs a shot, I know how to give 'em! I'm just saying, if there was ever like a world disaster, I'd be pretty valuable, what with all my shot-giving knowledge.... So yup, feeling pretty good about that right now....

Today I went to the mall and tortured myself by looking at all the things I can't buy. I wish I could just dress up everyday, there were just soooo many pretty shoes and dresses.... Anyways, there's a sales girl at French Connection that I like shopping with because she's figured out my taste and always ends up showing me something that I end up buying. Actually, maybe that's bad! Today I walked away with a black shirt and black turtleneck and have a beautiful gold/pink/black cropped jacket on hold that I'm picking up tomorrow. And as God is my witness, I am wearing it to something, anything, this year!

What I didn't walk away with (but wanted to): a burgandy D & G purse (way too much $$$, even on sale, dammit!), a big bottle of Lolita Lempicka (apparently being discontinued), brown Cole Haan boots (none in my size), black Miss Sixty boots (seriously, I own like 6 black boots, I don't need anymore), a purple and gold sequin dress (to wear where?), and Coldstone ice cream ($5 for a cup of ice cream! Had sushi instead). But I still had fun. The mall wasn't crowded, everyone was friendly, and I didn't spend too much money(big plus).

Tomorrow I might start a side job. I'm going to be calling people whose houses are in foreclosure and asking them if they're interested in selling them to the person who I'll be working for. It's kinda cool cuz I can do it at home and the person who's paying me has offered to teach me as much as I want to learn about what he does. From what I gather, he buys homes that are in foreclosure so that he can sell them again at a profit, I think. Well, I'll find out more tomorrow. Anyways, I was never really interested in real estate before but I figured since this opportunity came up, who knows, maybe I'll like it and even if I don't, it's not long term or permanent. Plus I might learn things that'll prove valuable once I start thinking about buying my own house. I'm looking forward to it actually, especially because it'll be a good way to supplement my income. Right now I get disability, which is enough to pay my bills, thank God.

So, here's what happened at the bank today:

I hand my disability check to the teller.

Teller: You work for the city?
Me: No.

He looks at me, looks at my check, looks at me again, then looks at my check closely.

Teller: Oh.... (Still looks confused.)
Me: Yeah, I just get disability.
Teller: Oh really? (Looks me up and down) You don't look...? What do you have?

I laugh and contemplate lying but decide on the truth.

Me: I have cancer.

His eyes pop open.

Me: I know I don't look like it.
Teller: Yeah you don't. Wow, that must suck. What kind of cancer?
Me: Hodgkins Lymphoma. And, well, yeah, it does suck.
Teller: So do you have to do all that chemo stuff?
Me: Yeah I do.
Teller: Wow, is it pretty bad? Does it really suck?
Me: (Laughing now) Well, not really.

He gives me a look like, yeah right.

Me: Well it's just that I've learned not to complain about it too much.
Teller: So... are you gonna be ok, I mean, are you gonna live?
Me: Yeah, I'll live.
Teller: Well good luck. You take care of yourself.
Me: Thanks, I will!
Teller: You have a nice day and thank you for banking with Washington Mutual!

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