Monday, January 22, 2007

R.I.P. Fishy

The worst news ever... my beta fish died. See, what had happened was... a month ago I rescued this fish from an abusive environment. It's previous owner hadn't fed it or changed his water in like a month and for some reason it had one swollen eye, so I took it. I started feeding it, put it in a bigger tank, and was changing its water regularly. At first he wouldn't eat and barely moved but he slowly started coming around. I swear, 2 days before he died he was eating, swimming, and shaking his little fins at me when I would come close to the tank to coo at him. Two days later he's dead. I couldn't believe it. What had I done wrong? I tried to rescue him and he died in my care. It's so sad, I had really come to love the little guy. And I can't bring myself to get another fish because I wanted this one to live. And of course my ever tactful sister laughed her ass off when I told her. Poor fishy....

I have a PET scan on Tuesday. I hope all goes well with it. The doctor should get my results a few days later. Hopefully she'll tell me it's all gone. I only have 2 more months of chemo left! This Wednesday should complete the fourth month. I hate to say this but I'm really starting to hate chemo. It's just that I'm starting to feel sicker than I used to and for a longer period of time. I just can't wait until this is over. I just want to be normal again. I'm looking forward to opening a bottle of Dom Perignon when this is all done.

On a happier note, a friend of mine from college is visiting LA for the week and I've had a really fun time reminiscing about our years at ol' Big Red. It's funny because we met as freshman so we talked about how crazy we were and sometimes it's hard for me to believe that I am that same girl that did all those things. It feels like a lifetime ago. On Friday we went to Melrose for lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, La La's (Argentinian). We sat out in the patio and it was just cool cuz it was a beautiful day and we were able to catch each other up on our lives. He leaves in a few days so I hope he's having fun while he's here.

February is coming up soon. Two words: Valentine's and Wicked! Plus Danette, one of my best girlfriends, might come to visit early that month. So lots of good things to look forward to....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for your help, I passed my class! I hope all is well. - Marty