Thursday, March 22, 2007

Aint That the Truth

So my brother brought home a cat which I am trying to appropriate. I haven't had a cat in like 5 years. The problem is my boyfriend can't stand cats, which really sucks cuz I totally love cats and have wanted one for a long time. He got me a new beta fish which was really sweet since I know he hated the last one. But the cat thing.... I don't think I'll be able to get him to come around on this one.

So the last Harry Potter book is finally coming out in July. Do you know how many years some of us have invested with these books? The first one was published in September 1998. That's almost 10 years ago! It's unbelievable to think that so many people have waited 9 years for the series to end. Jeez that J. K. Rowling made a killing! I wish I could say that I wouldn't be part of the horde, but unfortunately I joined the bandwagon years ago. It's too late for me now. I'll just save my glee and excitement for other people though.

A week from now I'll be going to Virginia with my boyfriend to meet his parents. At first I was really nervous but then I realized that I was the one that was making it a big deal. I guess I take it for granted that our proximity to my parents means he sees mine every so often. I've been spared that by distance so it's my turn.

Apparently Washington, D.C. is pretty close by so we'll be going there alot too. The last time I was there was maybe 4-5 years ago. I was only there for a day and half so it's not like I had time to really see the city so I'm really looking forward to it. As much as I love LA, sometimes I really like leaving it and going somewhere else. Before, I tried to get out of LA as often as I could, even if it was only for short weekend trips. There's just something about going somewhere else that I love. Maybe it's that I'm-on-vacation feeling that you get when you travel, even if it's to a place you've already been to before.

Every year I try to go somewhere I've never been before. The problem I have is that I don't do much international travel. Unfortunately, I've confined the majority of my travels within the US, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just not as exciting. My sister has done alot of international traveling, which of course I am envious of. After Virginia/DC, Seattle will be my next destination spot. I'm just really excited. What can I say, I love going to the airport and getting on a plane.

It reminds me of when I was younger and my grandma would come visit from Nicaragua and it was always this big event. We would all get dressed up and go to the airport hours before to wait for her with balloons and a camera to take pictures of her. It seems so over-the-top now but back then it really was treated like this big important exciting event. My first trips to and from Ithaca were also like this. My parents and siblings would all come pick me up with balloons and a camera. I felt so important and loved, lol! Now, I'm lucky if someone doesn't whine about the fact that they need to take time off their busy schedule to take me to the airport, how awful traffic is going to be, and can't I just take the metro there. The party is apparently over. Of course all the 9/11 rules haven't helped either. Traveling has been de-glamorized and robbed of its excitement. Is there anything they allow on the plane anymore? Seriously, I don't think you can just grab a carry on and backpack through Europe anymore, or at least I couldn't; I'd have to check something in, probably my lip gloss. Because God forbid I throw away $20 lip gloss.

I read something in a book that has stuck with me, it's from The Time Traveler's Wife:

"My vast powers of observation have led me to the conclusion that whatever remains when you have eliminated the impossible, is the truth, no matter how impossible."

I don't know why this sentence has stuck with me. I guess, and I'm reaching here, it makes me wonder, how does one arrive to a truth? Because we've seen it, heard it, touched it, or experienced it with any of our senses? Because we've tested it? And yet, people hold certain "truth's" without having experienced them. I mean, that's how we have religion. And what is truth? What is the nature of that which we call truth or even reality? I don't think I can completely develop my thoughts on this one. That and I'm sure some philosopher has probably already written stuff about it, I should just look up what's been written. I should save my philosophising to the experts.

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