Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Eat Your Heart Out Charlie Brown!

This last weekend I went to Virginia to visit Clay's parents. I really enjoyed my trip but I came home feeling so exhausted.

Staying with Clay's parents made me see how differently Clay and I grew up. He had such an American Pie type of upbringing and mine was classic immigrant story. It made me think of how different our backgrounds are and how I've never actually gotten to know anyone like him before, even at Cornell. I used to think that I could never date someone who wasn't like me (in terms of background), or who didn't have an idea of what it was like to be a Latino in the US. I guess I just saw how opposite we can be in some ways.... And yet.... I like that we've bonded on a different level.

His parents were so nice and understanding. Again, I see how our respective relationships with our parents is different. I think mine is more respectful but not as honest and his is less respectful but more open and honest. I just loved his parents. For the first time, I can see how when relationships end, it's heartbreaking to leave the parents as well. Too bad we can't keep them as consolation prizes.

I was also able to see my friend Marty while I was there. I hadn't seen him in like 5 years almost so it was really cool that we had a chance to hang out. Hanging out with him made me miss my other Cornell friends. Marty said something while he was driving, about how life at Cornell was great because it was you living with your best friends, which was so true.... I think about all the people I knew while I was there and I wonder sometimes what their lives are like now.

It's a crazy thing to be at a crossroads. How taking a different path can completely change your life. I think of this because Marty has to decide where to go after law school but how many of us don't come to these crossroads all the time? When you decide where to go to college, what to do after college, whether or not to end a relationship, whether to marry someone, to accept a new job, to begin to have children.... Really, all of these are just natural progressions in life. I guess we all expect our lives to change in these ways and yet.... am I the only one who fears them sometimes?

Anyways, I did really enjoy my trip. It was a lot of fun, even when I was embarrassed sometimes. But I was so tired when I came back. I'm like a grandma, I had too much excitement and it took me 2 days to recover.

Yesterday I had a PET scan. I am hoping that it will come out clear and I will be done. I should get the results next week. Crossing my fingers until then....

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