Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blog Sweet Blog

Oh it feels so good to write again! Work, Clay, and sleeping take up so much of my time now.

So my mom's birthday is this Saturday and she and I are going to Las Vegas for her birthday. Clay had to work and Diego has a Latin convention he's going to. So it's just us girls, lol. We're staying at Excalibur and watching Cirque du Soleil's Mystere on Saturday night. I can't even tell you how much I am looking forward to it. We leave tomorrow at like 12 and we get in at about 1pm. We're flying out since it really was the simplest option. We come back at like 12:30pm on Sunday. I'm so glad it's finally here! I'd also like to catch the Phantom of the Opera Spectacular on Friday night but I don't know if that's too much. I've seen the Broadway show in NYC but I'm not sure my mom will like it. Anyways, I can't wait to take her around and look at all the casinos. She always says that she likes to travel but she never gets a chance to go anywhere. I just want to thank her for all her love, support, and sacrifice this past year. At least for a weekend, I want it to be just about her.

So I've been really boring and I really don't do anything but go to work, spend a few precious hours with Clay, sleep, and go to the hospital once a week either for chemo or dressing changes for my PICC line. I think Clay and I have been out to dinner maybe 4 times since mid-January. But he's been working alot of overtime over the past month and my work and commute take up almost 12 hours of my day. By the time I get to Clay's or home, I'm ready to just go to bed. I'd gotten used to all my free time! But like I've said before, it feels good to work.

I feel like my future has opened up with so many possibilities. It just feels good to think about making plans, short and long term. It's weird when I think about my life because it's become split in 2, pre Hodgkin's and post Hodgkin's. My pre Hodgkin's life feels like it was forever ago. Things are so different now. I look different, I act differently, I have a new job, new goals....... I even dress differently. It's better now, much better. But it's different.

I have a fish but I want another pet. Ideally I'd like a cat. Did I mention my last cat died? I don't know if I did. It was under very mysterious circumstances. She'd gotten into a bad habit of sneaking out of the house for days and one day my brother Eduardo found her dead in the front yard. It was very strange and I have no idea what happened to her. Maybe I shouldn't get another pet. Apparently I'm not a very good caretaker. Things changed when I couldn't keep her in my room anymore. When I think of her, I really miss her and I am saddened that something happened to her because I couldn't take care of her anymore. My mom is not to happy about the idea of me getting another cat. I understand her concern, she worries that my immune system is not strong enough to handle the pet hair and clean up. I understand clearly, but I still want another pet. I wonder if I just get one of those self cleaning litter boxes then I wouldn't handle the cat's business and therefore, would be able to have one. It's something I'll have to ask the doctor too, he might not be too crazy about the idea either. My fish just might have to be enough for now.

So that's what's been up lately. I've gone to church twice with my mom these past 2 Sundays and that was great too, spending time with her doing what she likes to do. Clay and I are trying to plan our future together and it makes me happy to think that he will always be in my life. It's a good feeling to have, to know that you love and are loved.

Life is good.


Bertha Olivia said...


I am so glad you wrote more! I may not always leave comments but I love to read your writing. I'm so glad that life is going well for you, and that you and Clay are doing so well. But then again you two are made for each other. It's obvious to anyone who sees you two together. Okay, enough of the mushiness, take care!

Unknown said...

sister...i love you. you are an intelligent, strong, passionate and compassionate, and beautiful woman. i am very lucky to share your blood. you know if you ever need some i got you covered. universal donor in the heezy! anyhoo, i love your words, i love your pictures, and i love YOU. i miss reading you. besos hermanita chaparrita y bonita

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Monitor de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Unknown said...

Everybody loves you Maria...hope things are going well my friend.

Unknown said...

oh yeah, fyi found this comment on martian cat problem.
Wirelesx said...
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Wireless, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

April 18, 2008 2:43 AM