Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2X In 1 Week!

Last week I was at the hospital getting chemotherapy and I wrote this down:


It's funny, the simple joys you look forward to. When I come to chemo I look forward to the orange tangerine juice boxes and Oreos. I don't have them at any other time, but I look forward to them here.

The orange juice boxes are not amazing and I could always just buy packets of Oreos and keep them at home. But I don't. It's just not the same. This is part of my chemo ritual and it wouldn't fit anywhere else.

So, in April Diego and I are going to visit Fatima in Seattle. I promised her I would go visit her within the first 3 months of the year so I'm pretty close. It's Diego's Spring Break so we'll be going for a week. The only thing that sucks is that I'll be in the middle of my treatment so no cheese while I'm there..........

Then in May Clay and I are going to San Francisco for his sister's law school graduation. This will only be a weekend trip but still, something to look forward to.

Then at some point I want to visit Adri in Texas after she has her baby.

These are my upcoming trips.

Clay and I have started a little project...... which of course is not exactly moving full speed ahead but is gradually chugging along. We are writing........ together........ the story of our love........ lol :) Yes, I'm not joking here! It's a work in progress, our work in progress. Pretty much we just want to write down how we met, what we've been through together. You would think that it would be easy to write. But I've been dragging my heels....... Mostly because I guess I'm just scared about writing "the truth" down. Well, maybe not scared, but I guess like when I started this blog, I worry about who will read it. Clay and I take turns writing down, kind of like his perspective, my perspective. It's funny sometimes. But then we'll get to a particular topic and I get like, "I don't want to write about that!" on him. It's like, do I want my mom reading about the first time we had u know what? Yet, how authentic can it be unless you write down the entire truth?

So sometimes he kids that we'll write it and then lock it up in a safe until our grandchildren find it one day when we're dead. And then they'll read about how their grandparents met and fell in love............. Like I said, it's slow going but then again......... the story of our love still has many chapters to go............ Yes I know, lots of sugar, lol.

I saw Phantom of the Opera at the Pantages Theatre this last Friday and it was AMAZING! Now I've seen it in NY, Las Vegas, and LA. Yes I'm that girl who cries during the show too. It's just amazing. So the last several days I've just been walking around humming the music.

On another note, I just finished watching Towelhead and I have to say........ It was definitely difficult to watch. I think what made it hard to watch was realizing that stuff like that really happens. Clay and I used to watch To Catch a Predator and this reminded me of that. But what really struck me was the naivete of the girl in the movie. It's like, I was angry at her but then I felt bad for her. How could she possibly know any better? So it made me think of all the girls just like her and I felt bad for them.

Sometimes, when I'm at the peak of my treatment (the steroids make me hyper), I wish that my life was like a movie, where I can see the conclusion after 2 hours. I make these plans that I know will take some time to complete but I'm impatient and I want to see the results now. Now now NOW! But I have to be patient.

So I forgot to mention octoplets mom had her babies at my hospital, Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center. I didn't even find out until a week after they'd been born! My mom was like, "Didn't you notice the news vans?" Obviously not. All this time they've just been there while I've been chilling in the oncology clinic........ It's crazy how strongly people have reacted to her story. I've been somewhat obsessed with this news, along with the whole Chris Brown beating Rhianna thing.

Octomom is unemployed, hoping to finish grad school, receiving government assistance, single, and already has 6 other young children (one of which is autistic).......... What was she thinking? What was her doctor thinking? I don't blame the people who go off on this subject. They have a point, even though it's "mean" to call her names. What kind of life can these kids have really?

And Chris Brown beating Rhianna? I can't even imagine being in her situation, having something like this happen and then have it reported all over the media. When I read people saying, "Oh, no one knows the whole story" I'm just kind of like, does it matter? BEATING A WOMAN IS NEVER OK.

Well that's all for now.

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