Monday, July 2, 2007

To My Body

You know, at first, I looked at my body and I wondered, "How could you betray me? How could you let this happen?" I've had this body all my life, and it decides to let me down.

But then I realized, this body, my body, is also strong and it has taken it's fair share of beatings. This body has withstood everything I have done to it. And yes, it's not perfect and it will have scars, but those scars will be a testament of its survival and tenacity.

I felt like that about my hair too. It did make me sad when I would look at the clumps in the shower. But not all of it fell out and I admired the hair that stayed, that didn't give in.

So this body, my body, will continue to exercise it's will to live. Yes it'll be weak sometimes, but I know that this body doesn't give up easily. This body has tried its best to protect itself and will continue to try its best.

So listen body, I know we'll make it through this all right. Don't you give in to the effects of the drugs, I need you to keep it together. Remember, this cancer is suppose to be the pussy cancer. We don't want to look back a year later and be embarrassed at how weak we were. So we gotta stick together and stay strong.

I promise I'll try to treat you better.

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