Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day +3

.... and I still feel fine!

My fear is that this is the calm before the storm.

Today the doctor told me that if I continue to do well I might be discharged by Labor Day. Instead of comforting me, it reminds me that I still have a ways to go. So 2 more weeks....

Sometimes I make myself laugh by singing "Eye of the Tiger" in my head and pretend punching the air. Makes me feel strong, lol.

I miss the outdoors, the fresh breeze. There's a Japanese garden on the campus and it's cool because you can buy fish food and feed the koi and the turtles in the little pond. My sister, Diego, and I would go there after my stem cell collections but the koi would annoy us because they would knock the turtles out of the way so the turtles wouldn't get any food. So the 3 of us would find ways to just feed the turtles. It was a pretty spot.

For my last birthday Danette gave a crochet kit which I still haven't used. I think I'm finally gonna use it though, lol. I just don't know what to crochet! Maybe I'll make a scarf, lol.

I guess everyday that I wake up feeling great is a great day. I hope I keep waking up that way!

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