Thursday, September 13, 2007

Short Update

This will be super short just because I want to write but I think I should go to bed instead.

I am back at the hospital. Yup, I checked back in today. I am excited and anxious all at once. I feel like my last transplant experience was anticlimactic. So although I've been warned that I should stop wishing that I'd gotten sick, I feel like I won't believe I'm getting better unless I suffer a little. I'd be posing as a bad ass otherwise. I need my suffering cred to be able to join the post treatment cancer survivors clique. Otherwise they'll just shun me!

Anywhoo, so I got my PET scan and CT scan results back. Let's see if you can guess the results........ nope didn't get better......... nope didn't get worse........... ding ding ding, that's right! No change whatsoever. It is disheartening to say the least. So they're bringing out the big guns this time, which they assure me will show no mercy. Good! As I always say, pain is pleasure! Er......... I mean, no pain no gain! Let's just hope they also kill the cancer and not just my will to live.

Well, it starts tomorrow................

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