Sunday, September 9, 2007

Wasn't Tired

My song for today was Blaze of Glory by Jon Bon Jovi.

So today my sister Fatima, my brother Diego, and I went to play miniature golf, which I love. I had the bright idea of going to a mini golf place I'd been to before but wasn't sure where it was. I knew it was by Disneyland so I figured, how hard could it be to find it? Problem was, we didn't realize until we were on the road that none of us knew how to get to Disneyland. So needless to say, my sister wasn't a very happy camper after being lost in Anaheim for an hour and a half..... oops, my bad! Thank goodness the place was actually really big and cool. We had fun after we all calmed down. Usually I play with my boyfriend Clay and he's really good so I always lose, but today I actually did really well so I was happy about winning. Then we headed home and it only took 30 minutes. At least I know how to get to it now........

I had my PET scan on Friday. I was so nervous the night before that I couldn't sleep and then I woke up before my alarm went off in the morning. Then when I got there, I fell asleep during the exam! I had a crazy dream, I hope I can explain it well. I dreamt that I was getting the PET scan but feel asleep and had a dream that I was in Nashville with my BFF Danette and that she was showing me her boyfriend's house. I dreamt that I woke up from that dream and was sitting up in the PET scan table.In my dream I realized I had been dreaming and that I woke up in the middle of the scan. The technician came over and told me to lay down because I wasn't suppose to move and they weren't done. Then the PET scan machine malfunctioned and threw me off the table onto the floor. But the technicians ignored me and started leading the new patient in instead. I was mad because I had thought it was so unprofessional that they hadn't even asked me if I was ok so decided to just leave the hospital. That's when the technician woke me up in real life to tell me the scan was over. So basically I had a dream about having a dream while doing exactly what I was doing in real life, it was weird. I was almost disoriented because I was like, I'm still doing the PET scan? I thought it was over! But that had been in my dream. It was crazy, almost Twilight Zone-ish.

Tomorrow my sister is finally leaving back to Seattle. It is going to be very hard when she leaves..... I think my mom and I are especially going to take it hard.

Then the 11th I have a CT scan, the 12th I meet with my transplant doctor, and the 13th I check back into the hospital.

And I realized yesterday that.......... 9/11 is coming up soon........... it was the day I found out I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma. What an unlucky day!

Uh oh........... I am going to have to ponder the significance of this further............ but not tonight.............

Till next time, same bat time, same bat channel!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh. NO. you didn't. yes, i jumped ahead to this entry because it was more recent. i can't believe you wrote that you won! what a secret SORE WINNER. you publicized the fact that Diego and I lost for all to see?! I am SO morto! For the record, to all you readers of this blog, I was in a very vulnerable position when i played that course. "Didn't know where it was so we had to drive for 1.5 hours" my ass, she tired me out! it was part of her master plan. Diego and i were two innocent itty-bitty fruit flies caught in her web...of LIES! the end.