Sunday, November 25, 2007

Going to Bed NOW

I'm writing this late only because I'm waiting for the damn Phantom of the Opera album to finish downloading on my iTunes. The fact that my Internet connection keeps messing up is not hurrying it along either.

Anyways, today I went to go see Corteo from Cirque du Soleil. Of course I loved it! It's really like a sophisticated circus act, without real animals. There were clowns, music, trapeze acts, juggling, contortionists, and fake horses. It was really really cool. I almost want to go again, but with cheaper seats. This time I kinda splurged because I wanted good seats and they were, Erasto and I were part of the audience that got picked on by the opening act of clowns. But the less expensive seats weren't that much farther away because it was in a small venue. I'll see maybe if I can get tickets when my sister comes home so she, Diego, and I can go. Depends on when my sister comes home and ticket availability. Anyways, I bought 2 plastic masks and I love them too, lol! I gave Diego one. I think I'm in love with Cirque du Soleil, lol!

I'd like to clarify a comment I made in my last post. I realized how I could have been offensive by saying that my dad was acting like a "crazy Jehovah's Witness." I am not saying JWs are crazy, only that as someone who was raised Catholic and in the Catholic way of praising the Lord, I was surprised by my dad's uncharacteristic emotional exaltations. My mom related that JWs sometimes express their deep faith in that manner. So I just assumed he must have adopted JW ways for Thanksgiving. But I must remember that just because JWs praise differently doesn't mean they are crazy. I'm just glad I'm Catholic (uh, or as my friend Marty said, "a supermarket Catholic," I pick up what I like). Lol, am I going to get hate mail for this? It's not what Jesus would do, I tell you that much. Or maybe I'll end up going to hell. Wait a minute, I can't! I received the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick while I was in the hospital so my holy glow should still be pretty..... holy (as in saved from the fires of eternal damnation)! Ha! Lol, ok no more religion talk.

I want to put more pictures in my blog but I realized not having a digital camera is really making this goal more difficult than it should be. My birthday is December 13th and I've started dropping hints around Clay about how much I would LOVE a digital camera. Hopefully he'll pick up my subtle clues (i.e. "I want a digital camera, fool. And it better be cute too."). Then you guys can see pictures of the things I do and the places I go! How exciting! I'll have to go back to City of Hope just to take pictures of places like the hospital and the Japanese Garden. I also want these memories for myself. I used to shy away from taking pictures with my bald head or of me in the hospital but my sister made me realize (during the summer) that I might want pictures of this time later, and she was right. So hopefully sometime soon pictures will become a regular feature of my blog.

I had a really interesting conversation with Clay yesterday regarding my view of natural population control. I'd like to get into it now but it's just too late. I think people will be surprised by my stance. Anyways, tomorrow, I promise.

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