Saturday, November 24, 2007

Why Did I Take Pictures With My Glasses On?

I hope everyone is still eating turkey sandwiches with stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy. :)

I've had an eventful couple of days. On Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, our neighbor's pitt bull somehow got into our backyard and started fighting with our pitt bulls, Jada and Snub. Only my dad, Diego, and I were home at the time and my dad started freaking out. I mean he almost got hysterical on us. He apparently was bitten by a dog once and is now traumatized. He didn't want to do anything but Diego and I could not just sit there and wait until one of them was killed. To make a long story short, my dad eventually went outside to get the hose and gave it to Diego, who had climbed up on the roof, and from there Diego was able to get the dogs to separate by spraying water on them. But honestly, the neighbor's dog was much bigger than ours so it held it's own up until Diego sprayed them, by which point they were all tired from fighting. It would have been funny had we not known that they really wanted to kill each other but couldn't. Our backyard is shaped like an L and our dogs went into the longer part and the other dog stayed at the farthest corner of the shorter part. It was really sad actually! Jada is a little monster so she was generally ok, just tired. Snub is the sweet gentle one (I know it's hard to believe when you look at him but he is) but he was hurt, the other dog cut his lower mouth area. He straight up threw himself on the ground, he was really tired. And then the next day he looked so sad! I think his lower jaw hurt so he was listless and not very energetic. Anyways, we all patted ourselves on the back for being able to stop a pitt bull dogfight (it was really Diego, I just backed him up against my dad). Eduardo came home and took our dogs to another part of the yard that is separated from the L part. The owner of the dog eventually came and picked up his pitt bull, who had a badly mangled ear. At first I was mad at all the dogs for fighting but really, what was to be expected? A strange dog gets into our yard, which is very well fenced up so there is no way to exit (the dog apparently climbed it's side of the fence and hopped over), and what did we think the dogs were going to do? Ignore each other? I firmly believe that the other dog was the aggressor and our dogs were protecting themselves and their territory. My brothers walk them all the time and expose them to other people and animals and they respond well to both, only reacting badly when another dog is more aggressive. I hated seeing the dogs act like the animals that I know they are but I'm happy none of them was badly hurt and hopefully it won't happen again.

The next day, Clay came over for Thanksgiving and I'm happy that he was able to witness the antics of my family firsthand so that he knows I don't exaggerate when I tell certain stories about them. Let's just say it was among the best Thanksgivings I've ever had, even with my brothers arguing about who can bench press more and my dad acting like a crazy Jehovah's Witness. Maybe next year he'll speak in tongues.

Today, Saturday, Clay and I went to the movies and watched Into the Wild. Clay only likes going to this one particular theatre in Hollywood, the Arclight, and for some reason they weren't playing American Gangster, which was our first choice. So the movie wasn't bad, unfortunately I'm only on ch. 2 of the book so now I'll be reading it with the movie's vision in mind.

Tomorrow I'm going to see Cirque du Soleil! How fun!

So here's my first picture posting. It's Clay and I in San Francisco before the game. I'd given him $200 worth of lottery scratcher tickets (amongst other things) for his birthday so that's what he's holding in his hand, that and a bottle of liquor, lol.

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