Thursday, October 18, 2007

By The Way, My Fish Is Still Alive!

Not much has gone on the last couple days.

My mom is going to Nicaragua to visit my grandma. She's leaving this Saturday (10/20) and coming back 2 weeks later (11/5). She's really worried about leaving me, according to her home alone, but I reminded her that my dad is here, my two brothers who drive, and Clay. Not including my friends and her friends who have volunteered their help should I need it. I'll be all right, although I will miss her ALOT.

I met with my doctor on Tuesday and told him the following story. So my hands have been peeling lately, like they're extremely dry. It doesn't bother me but I can pick my skin off, actually like a bad sunburn and you can pick at the skin. Anyways, one night I was watching Ben-Hur (my mom got the VHS from the library for 50 cents months ago and I felt bad for not watching it) and in the movie, a mom and her daughter get leprosy. Can you see where I'm going with this? First thought, "Oh my God, what if I have leprosy?" Second thought, "What if I gave leprosy to my whole family?" But of course, being the intelligent woman that I am, I decided not to freak out and went online to do some research. Not too long into my research I had my third thought, "Maria, where in the hell would you get leprosy from?" So, my doctor laughed, reassured me it wasn't leprosy and that it was normal, a result of the chemotherapy. He said it was almost like a chemical peel and that would go away.

It's kinda crazy that side effects from the chemotherapy are still popping up weeks later.

So I always go through music phases and lately its been disco. Not alot but most of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack and some other random songs. I've been neglecting my netflix movies so I need to pick that back up.

Anyways, that's pretty much all the recent action. I know, it hasn't been much. But the weekend is coming up and I kinda want to go watch Across the Universe. I figured I need to get back out there. I've been kinda scared to leave the house but I need to start taking steps back to normal life. Well, I guess that's it. Maybe something exciting will happen so that I can blog about it later, lol.............

1 comment:

Unknown said...

add me as your netflix friend.