Tuesday, October 23, 2007

At Least Tyra Is Still On :)

How the hell is it almost the end of October and it was in the 90s today? Tomorrow too, predicted 90 degree day.

So apparently these fires are really going at it. Earlier today my dad told me that the sky was hazy because of all the smoke from the fires. I didn't really believe him though because I thought, those fires are so far away, how are we gonna get the smoke all the way out here? But then I went outside and I realized he was right. That and the sprinkling of ashes on top of the cars made me think about what it's like for the people right next to the fires.

Today I had another check up with my doctor. I thought that I would get a PET and CT scan in a few weeks but it turns out the clinical study I'm in says it has to be 2 months after the transplant and so far it's only been one. So it won't be until near the end of November that I'll find out how effective the transplant was. I wish it was now!

So in the beginning of my cancer treatment, I didn't lose weight, I gained weight. A good 10-15 pounds. But I didn't care because I just thought, hey I have cancer, I'll eat what I want. But after this transplant and the whole not eating and no appetite drama, I've lost that weight and then some. To be honest, it would be the perfect weight here in LA, but I'm not comfortable at this weight. I'd like to gain at least 5 pounds back, that would put me back at the weight I was when I started. The nurses at the clinic gave me this look like, are you crazy, lol? It's because they told me how great I looked, how thin I was, and I was like, I'm trying to gain weight ok. Their advice: eat a baked potato with lots of sour cream and cheese, lol.

I wish just one or two channels would cover the fires instead of nearly all of them. Hello, I'm missing I love Lucy, The People's Court, and Oprah!

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